

The beat365平台管理 area of concentration prepares students for professional careers in the rapidly growing sport and recreation industry. 学生将在体育的商业和营销方面发展技能. 职业机会包括体育管理和教练, 小联盟和大联盟运动, 设施及活动管理, beat365平台推广, 设备开发及零售, 客户管理.




不要用这个学位计划代替指导老师. Always meet with an advisor to discuss your specific needs for completing the program before signing up for classes each semester.
第一学期 Details
生物101 普通生物学 Details 4
An introductory biology course that covers a breadth of biological concepts including biochemical pathways, 分子与细胞生物学, 有机体的结构和功能, 遗传学和遗传, 进化, 生态, 以及生命科学对社会的重要性. 在实验室环境中, emphasis will be placed on utilizing the scientific process to arrive at evidence-based conclusions. 3课时,2课时实验; IAI: L1 900L.
先决条件: MAT 010成绩在两个学期内达到C或以上, 或适当的分班考试成绩, 或部门同意. Consent of JWCC Natural Sciences Department Chair is dependent upon the requesting student successfully passing an assessment (placement) exam f或者是 particular prerequisite course. A passing 生物101 placement exam score is 78 percent or above to opt out of the 生物101 requirement. 否则, the student requesting acceptance into a course without completion of prerequisites must provide substantiated documentation of equivalent transfer credit to enroll in the course.
HPR 100 终身健身与健康 Details 2
Designed to serve as a guide to implement a complete lifetime fitness program f或者是 student. 学生将被介绍到体育活动,将保持健康和健康, as well as prescriptive exercises and activities to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle. 我们会进行全面的体能/风险因素评估. 1课时,2课时实验.
先决条件: (没有)
垫113 大学代数 Details 3
This course is intended for students who plan to continue their college mathematics education or to meet college transfer requirements. Topics include advanced factoring of higher order polynomials; solving quadratic inequalities; advanced topics in relations, functions and their graphs; zeroes and graphs of polynomial and rational functions; and exponential and logarithmic functions.
先决条件: MAT 020成绩在两个学期内达到“C”或以上, 合适的分数线, 或部门同意
101年英格 修辞学与写作1 Details 3
An introductory course in writing at the college level with attention to skills needed at each stage of the writing process. 修英语101课程的先决条件是具备英语语法能力, 力学, 标点符号, 和拼写. 艾:900英镑.
先决条件: eng099成绩为“C”或以上或适当的分数线
101 心理学概论 Details 3
心理学主要领域的基本介绍——对行为和心理的研究. 重点领域包括人类发展, 人格理论, 学习, 思考, 压力和动力, 精神疾病, 以及行为的生理和社会方面. 课程将研究与实际生活应用相结合. 艾:6900.
先决条件: (没有)
呸!咄! 101 开辟你的道路 Details 1
针对新生, 本课程提供了向高等教育文化的支持性过渡. Course objectives aim at preparing students f或者是 college experience by acquiring effective 学习 techniques and by becoming aware of available college resources for academic and personal growth. 这门课程也能培养学生的能力, 这将帮助他们应对复杂的大学生活.
先决条件: (没有)
第二学期 Details
生物275 人体解剖学与生理学1 Details 4
A study of the structures and functions of the human body; an integrated study of the systems of the human body including gross and microscopic structures and their physiology. 课程涵盖细胞, 组织, 生命化学, 新陈代谢和系统:表皮, 骨骼, 肌肉发达的, 消化和泌尿系统. 3课时,2课时实验.
先决条件: 生物101 with a grade of "C" or above or ACT science score of 25 or higher 或部门同意 via a minimum 生物101 placement exam score. 先决条件必须在报名参加生物课275之前的10年内满足. Consent of JWCC Natural Sciences Department Chair is dependent upon the requesting student successfully passing an assessment (placement) exam f或者是 particular prerequisite course. A passing 生物101 placement exam score is 78 percent or above to opt out of the 生物101 requirement. 否则, the student requesting acceptance into a course without completion of prerequisites must provide substantiated documentation of equivalent transfer credit to enroll in the course.
各种各样的 鸟叔224 /鸟叔233 Details 3
224 beat365平台心理学 Details 3
This course will introduce students to research concepts and theories relating to sport psychology. The content will include an overview of the 历史 and development of sport psychology and expose students to the foundational concepts of the field. 课程材料也将包括心理评估的概述, 心理技能训练, 性能增强, 损伤恢复, 参与满意度. The course will examine how this knowledge can be applied to a wide range of settings and participants, 比如教练, 家长和运动员, while addressing varying levels of ability (from recreational to elite sports participation). (同HPR 224)
先决条件: (没有)
233 发展心理学 Details 3
研究人类从受孕到死亡的发展过程. Attention will be given to physical, cognitive, emotional and social aspects of development. 艾:6902.
先决条件: 101
垫109 基本统计信息 Details 3
统计学对统计数据的收集和解释的研究. 具体的主题包括对样本数据的描述, 概率, 概率分布, 抽样, 估计, 测试假说, 相关, 和回归. 艾:我是.
先决条件: MAT 020成绩在两个学期内达到“C”或以上, 合适的分数线, 或部门同意
102年英格 修辞与写作(二) Details 3
A continuation of 101年英格; provides further practice in writing at the college level for a variety of purposes and audiences, 既使用固定形式,也使用开放形式或发展形式. 需要研究论文. [au:] [au:.
先决条件: 完成英语101课程,成绩达C或以上
SOC 101 社会学概论 Details 3
This course is an introduction to sociology as a way of understanding the world and how it applies to everyday life. 主要的理论观点和概念提出,包括社会化, 文化, 知识的社会建构, 社会控制和越轨行为, 不平等, 种族和民族关系, 贫困, 以及社会学的想象力. 艾:7900.
先决条件: (没有)
第三学期 Details
生物276 人体解剖学和生理学2 Details 4
生物275的延续. Emphasis is on more depth in the physiology of various body systems including the central and peripheral nervous systems, 感觉器官, 内分泌, 心血管, 淋巴, 呼吸, 男性和女性的生殖和人类发展. 3课时,2课时实验.
先决条件: 成绩为“C”或以上,或系所同意
HPR 101 健康、体育的历史和原理 & 娱乐 Details 3
先决条件: (没有)
复合材料101 演讲一简介 Details 3
An introduction to the basic principles of oral communication as applied to public speaking. The course emphasizes the mastery of oral communication skills through a variety of exercises in which the student speaks before the group. 包括对准备、组织和交付等主题的分析. 艾:900英镑.
先决条件: (没有)
半径标注103 戏剧概论 Details 3
戏剧的美学和形式的广泛概念在生活戏剧中得到证明. Includes reading of plays and the study of dramaturgy with general discussion of elements of the play and theater. 爱:f1 907.
先决条件: (没有)
HPR 244 运动安全训练 Details 3
Students will learn the knowledge and skills necessary to help provide a safe environment for athletes while participating in sports as well as how to sustain life and minimize the consequences of injury or sudden illness in an emergency until advanced medical care arrives. 学生将能够识别和消除潜在的危险条件, 识别紧急情况, 并做出适当的急救决定.
先决条件: (没有)
第四学期 Details
各种各样的 Sci 100 / Sci 105 Details 4
选择SCI 100或SCI 105.
SCI 100 环境地质 Details 4
对不断塑造地球表面的力的入门性研究, 包括地质形成过程和我们对环境的影响. 3课时,2课时实验. [au:] [au:.
先决条件: (没有)
SCI 105 天气和气候 Details 4
An elementary survey of the properties of the atmosphere and the principles that govern weather and climate change. Real-time weather data will be used to predict weather and historical data archives to study climate. 3课时,2课时实验
先决条件: (没有)
各种各样的 Hum 121 / PHL 101 Details 3
121年哼或PHL 101
121年哼 人文学科中的性与社会性别 Details 3
艺术跨学科研究, 音乐, 文学, 历史, 哲学反映了性别的文化认同, 性别, 和性. 公司:HF907D
先决条件: (没有)
PHL 101 哲学概论 Details 3
基本问题介绍, 程序, and systems of philosophy and the development of powers over independent analysis on the student with a constructive attitude toward knowledge. 艾:是啊.
先决条件: (没有)
HPR 230 作为职业的教练 Details 3
教练生涯的各个方面, 重点是如何成为一名教练, 为什么教练, 教练如何激励, 教练技巧, 教练中的公共关系, 以及教练与社区和机构其他成员的关系.
先决条件: 部门同意
各种各样的 选修课 Details 6
任何以学分为基础的课程都可以满足这一要求. Students should always discuss with their advisor which electives would be best f或者是m to take to best achieve his or her particular goals.
先决条件: 因课程而异